All Make Hearing Aid Repair Service

hearing aid repairs ScotlandThe Hearing Aid Centre could have hearing aids repaired of any age at a reduced cost compared to the high street hearing aid retailers. There are a number of retailers who will only repair hearing aids up to an age of 5 years , however, hearing aids of any age could be repaired (subject to a visual inspection). Also please note some hearing aid parts may become unavailable around 8 -10 years from the products original release date.  (This may not be the same date you purchased the aid).

Providing hearing aid repairs for all types and brands available in the UK. Age and use can take their toll on hearing aids making them fail. However you can reduce the problems by taking care of your hearing aids with a clean and care routine.  

All repaired hearing aids are returned with a 6 month repair warranty.

"I utilise the services of the leading and UK based hearing aid manufacturers and a specialist hearing aid repair centre to provide this valuable service."

Repair costs are typically around £95 to £120 if carried out by the specialist hearing aid repairer and £125 to £195 if carried out by the hearing aid manufacturer. I would reccommend the manufacturer be used for hearing aids 6 -7 years old or less and for older hearing aids would use the specialist repairer.

I am able to provide this service to hearings aids from every hearing aid manufacturer based in the uk.

The environment in the ear canal is 100% humidity and remains at a constant 37 degrees Celsius. Earwax is a combination of salt and corrosive body acid. These conditions are harmful to electronics, but this is the environment that hearing aids must perform. If your hearing aids have not been checked for 2 years, then they may not be functioning at their best, as the microphone, speaker and microchip gradually become contaminated. I can have your hearing aids serviced bringing them back to peak performance. The chosen hearing aid repair laboratory or the hearing aid manufacturer will replace the working parts as necessary and return the hearing aids to you with a 6 month repair warranty.

Five Hearing Aid Care Tips

Here are five tips from Widex to help you keep your hearing aid working.

Keep them clean: Whatever the type of hearing aid, water or other fluids should never be used to clean them. Clean the surfaces of the hearing aid with a soft, dry cloth, You also may use the special brush and tool supplied with the hearing aid to very gently brush away any wax or debris around the sound outlet, microphone opening and vent.

Keep them safe: Lean over a table when inserting and removing your hearing aid. Hearing aids can easily be damaged if they fall on the hard floor.

Keep them snug: Hearing aids should never be exposed to high temperatures or moisture. Don’t wear your hearing aids while showering, swimming, during radiation treatment, or when using a hair dryer. Use a drying kit regularly, there are electronic drying stations available to dry out your hearing aids that you can use at night.

Keep in touch: Your level of hearing loss may change over time, which means that your hearing aids will have to be adjusted to meet your new hearing needs. It’s important to keep in touch with your hearing professional and have regular hearing evaluations to get the most out of your hearing aids.

Keep your batteries fresh: Open your hearing aid battery door when you aren’t using it to assure that your device isn’t using power when it’s not in your ear. Unopened hearing aid batteries should be stored in a dry place at room temperature – like a drawer.

Hearing Aid Repair Checklist

Depending on the issues you may be having, here are a few common hearing aid fixes you can try at home:

  • Replace the battery, I know it sounds silly, but sometimes you can get a bad battery
  • Remove and reinsert your hearing aid
  • Clean your hearing aid especially at the sound outlet and microphone
  • Replace the wax filter, often they can become blocked
  • Open and close the battery compartment, this is like restarting a computer

If you are still having trouble with your hearing aid after going through the checklist call me on 01506 420519 to arrange an appointment to discuss your hearing aid repair options. Please note I am unable to do this by email.

How Much Do Hearing Aid Repairs Cost?

Typically hearing aid repairs cost between £95 and £195, however, hearing aid repair costs can vary depending on several factors:

(1) Whether or not the hearing aid is still under warranty,
(2) The extent of the damage done to the hearing aid.
(3) The cost of replacement parts for your hearing aid.

If your hearing aid is still under warranty, your hearing aid repair costs will probably be free, however it depends on the circumstance and type of damage. Out of warranty or older hearing aids that require substantial repair may cost more. Cracked cases on custom in the ear devices can be expensive to replace, but in some circumstances, these cracks can be repaired. 

When Your Hearing Aid is Beyond Repair

Much like any electronic device, a hearing aid that has suffered enough damage over time can be a complete loss. In cases like this, it’s usually better financially and for your own peace of mind to replace the hearing aid with a new model. While it takes an expert to properly diagnose a damaged hearing aid, you can begin to assume your hearing aid may be beyond repair if:

  • Your hearing aid is five or more years old, the life span of hearing aids is about five to seven years. So if you’ve reached that period and are experiencing problems, it may be time to retire your technology.
  • The damage is visible—and looks extensive
  • If your hearing aid has been stepped on, smashed, or damaged in a way that seems unfixable, it probably is..
  • Your hearing aid has been repaired several times in the past, a history of repair means a history of breakage—and history has a habit of repeating. While new hearing aids with a 5 year warranty may cost more upfront, it can more than balance out the cost and annoyance of regular repair.

Call 01506 420519 to arrange an appointment and find out what options are available to fix your broken hearing aid.

"The Finest Hearing Aids In The World Need Not Cost The Earth"

Bernafon Hearing Aids

Discontinued Bernafon Hearing Aids

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Oticon Hearing aids Scotland

Discontined Oticon Hearing Aids

The Oticon story starts with one man’s passion to help his wife lead a better life, unhindered by her hearing loss. That passion, to empower people in need of hearing support, is what drives the company still to this day
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Discontinued Phonak Hearing Aids

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Resound Hearing Aids Edinburgh

Discontinued GN Resound Hearing Aids Technology

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Discontinued Signia (Siemens) Hearing Aids

Details on older and discontinued Signia / Siemens hearing aids
Widex hearing aids Edinburgh

Discontinued Widex Hearing Aids

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Starkey Hearing Aids Scotland

Discontinued Starkey Hearing Aids

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Discontinued Unitron Hearing Aids

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Quality Hearing Aids At Outstanding Prices

I pride myself on providing the very latest digital hearing aids from the worlds leading manufacturers at prices up to 50% less than is charged (on a like for like basis) by the high street hearing aid retailers.

Looking For a Hearing Test or The Very Latest Hearing Aids in Scotland

Call 01506 420519 to arrange your appointment or click below to provide your details